Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Binkys, tutus & backpacks...

 Gwamma sent me a quilt, pillow & bag for all my Baby's stuff.  I love it!

 I'm still not convinced I did this, but Mom seems to think this picture proves it.  Yep, I threw my binkys in the trash on Friday, 9/12/14.  I'm a big girl now & don't need them...rigggghhhhtttt...the jury's still out on that one.

 My new winter coat!  Too bad the matching hat doesn't fit my giant noggin!

 Um, parentals...why do we not have more of these sugary delicious items you call doughnuts more often?  Me likey.  No wait.  Me LOVE them.  :)

 "I've got everybody on my head, doo-dah, doo-dah..."

 Loaded up & ready to go!

 Burp cloth on my head & mittens on my hands.  I know how to sleep!

 Dress like a princess day at school the other day.  This is the closest thing I've got...

 ...besides some sass!!!

 Gwamma's friend Miss Jan sent me this super fun ballet bear rolling backpack!  She's the same lady who sent me Wubby Bear.  She's got good taste!

 Have I got style or what?

And I've got my runway walk down pat.

More randomness...

 Now that I'm in the big girl class at school, we wash our hands - A LOT.  My hands are very dry/chapped, so Mommy brilliantly brought out my mittens & slathered my hands with Aquaphor & I wear my mittens to sleep several nights a week!

 Abby Dabby (Abby Cadabby from Sesame Street) now hangs over my bed!

 Hmmm...I might need to cut back, there's not much room in here for me!

 Gwamma & Dadpa sent me this fun Elmo potty toy.

 Elmo goes potty, hee hee!

 It was super "fwoggy" the other day.

 My first set of "Yay-go's!"  (Lego's)

I am very serious about my reading.  Here I am reading, "That's Not my Penguin."

Friday, September 12, 2014

Creative Discovery Museum

 On a whim, we decided to check out the Creative Discovery Museum Sunday morning before we left.  It was so much fun!  Here I am doing a science experiment with Daddy.

 Soon I'll be able to do this!  (This was in the special Wizard of Oz exhibit.)

 Beep beep!  Watch out!

 This special area for kids like me (under 4) was so much fun!  Most of the pictures are blurry because I was moving so much!

 Of course I found the iPad in the place.

 Light board!

 Hmm...maybe I'll play the piano someday like Mommy did/does.

Fun with water!


 After a nap & snack, we headed back for the 2nd half of the aquarium. 
(Note from Mom:  these pictures are in no particular order.)

 Sitting in one of the giant rocking chairs at the aquarium!

 I got my OWN ice cream.  With sprinkles.  Me likey.


 Mom & me in the penguin exhibit.  I loved the "peng-gins".

 Mommy even let me get a "peng-gin" to take home!  I shall name her CeCe.  (Seriously, that's what I named her.)

 We happened upon a little riverfront concert Saturday night.  It was cool.  Until it poured down rain.

 Climbing the steps with Mommy.

Wet head.

Road trippin' to "Chatt-a-NOOGA"!

 My Elmo backpack is stuffed & I'm ready to go!
We went to Chattanooga over Labor Day weekend.  Road trip!

 Hmmm...maybe the whole "whatever you can fit in & carry" statement from Mom was true?

 Fueling up at Chick-Fil-A!

 Selfie at the rest area with a photo bomb by Daddy!

 View from our hotel room - we're going to the Aquarium tomorrow!!!

 I am a bathing beauty.

 So excited for the "swim pool."

 Maybe a little unsure...

 I found my groove quickly though!

I even was kicking my feet!